
Don Andrés, the last heir of the wealthy Avalos family, feels he has dedicated his 58 years of life in vain to reading and searching for a reason of existence. After hiring a 17-year-old country girl to take care of his senile grandmother, Don Andrés cannot help feeling the darkest and shameful desires for the girl. His psychological breakdown and the deterioration of the Avalos mansion are inevitable.

The Novel

"Coronation" is the first novel José Donoso wrote, which immediately makes him one of the greatest writers of the Latin American literature.

This powerful work is a deep inquiry into a world of characters that intersect Chilean society in terms of culture and generation. Nevertheless, the issues and conflicts reflected in the novel reach a universal scope that explains the international success of "Coronation".

Despite accurately conserving the characters and storyline of the book, the screenplay adapts the story to the present time by transforming the evocative literary language into an expressive audiovisual narrative.

The Author of the Novel

José Donoso (1924-1996) is one of the most representative and original writers of his generation due to the creation of mind-blowing atmospheres and obsessive characters. Being a novel and short story enthusiast, he began painting the decline of the creole aristocracy: CORONACIÓN (1958; Coronation) - ESTE DOMINGO (1966; This Sunday) - EL LUGAR SIN LIMITES (1967; “The Place without Limits”; Hell has no Limits) - EL OBSCENO PÁJARO DE LA NOCHE (1970; The Obscene Bird of Night) - CASA DE CAMPO (1978; A House in the Country) - EL JARDÍN DE AL LADO (1981; The Garden Next Door) - LA DESESPERANZA (1986; “Hopelessness”; Eng. trans. Curfew) - DONDE VAN A MORIR LOS ELEFANTES (1985; Where Elephants go to Die), among others.

As part of the contemporary Latin American literary boom, he is internationally renowned: His work has been translated in 17 languages, and some of his novels and short stories made it to the big screen. He received the Prize of Critics in Murcia, Spain (1979); the National Prize for Literature, Chile (1990); and the Gabriela Mistral Award in grade of Grand Officer, Chile (1995).


The luxurious Municipal Theater of Santiago -which was traditionally home to concerts, opera, and ballet performances- opened its doors for the first time to the premiere of a film on April 27th, 2000. The premiere was attended by the Honorable President of the Republic, Mr. Ricardo Lagos Escobar. "Coronation" was praised for the first time by the audience and the critics.



" is a fine and precious gem... Whichever way you look at it, the film is brilliant..."

Ana Josefa Silva (La Segunda Newspaper)


"CORONATION deserves a place of honor among the finest works of the Chilean Cinema"

Mariano Silva (National Television)



"Coronation really improves the Chilean cinema"

Gladys Pinto (Universidad de Santiago Radio)


"...when the film comes to an end, the satisfaction definitely goes through the heart before reaching the palm of the hands."

Francisco Aravena (El Mercurio April 24th)




Making Of

Technical Specifications






Julio Jung


María Cánepa


Adela Secall


Gabriela Medina


Jaime Vadell

Carlos Gross

Myriam Palacios


Paulo Meza


Luis Dubó



Silvio Caiozzi.

Executive Producers

Silvio Caiozzi y Guadalupe Bornand.


David Bravo.

Art Direction

Guadalupe Bornand.


Luis Advis.


Silvio Caiozzi.


Fernando Guariniello.

Sound Editor

Marcos Maldavsky.

Assistant Manager

Nelson Fuentes.

Film Format

35 mm., color.

Screening Format


Sound Format

Dolby Digital Surround.


140 minutes.

Film Length

12,700 feet.

Release Year